
Nice to see that you take a little time to stop by again.
For fifteen years, this kind of images inspired me to paint with liquid beeswax.
The technique is not new. It is approximately 3,000 years old and is considered by the cave painting
the oldest technique.
'm Still fascinated by the brilliance of the colors because the light is not reflected from the surface, but penetrates into the wax and thus leads to this strong expression.
As a tool I do not use brushes, but all those tools, bring to melt the wax.
This is such a kind of iron, a soldering iron, an open flame or a heated kitchen fork ;)
more about this technique at:

artwork - Die alte Brücke
artwork - Zerbrechlich
artwork - Weitsichtig
artwork - der verliebte Maurer
artwork - Mrs. Winter
artwork - Goldene Tränen